5 suits you absolutely must own

That can save the day. Any day. And any occasion

A well-tailored suit transforms you, literally. You’ll be more stylish, more imposing and your confidence will sky-rocket. But, be aware and pay attention: you’re closet space mustn’t get bigger. Choose quality, not quantity. And, for God’s sake, learn to discern and choose wisely.

  1. The navy blue wool suit

It’s simply essential. You can wear it all year long, and, what’s best, it covers a wide range of occasions: from elegant events to business meetings. A thin or medium woolen fabric is ideal – winter or summer, you’ll be able to wear it and make a great impression. Choose a model with two buttons and close only the top one. Never both.

  1. The summer cotton suit

Nothing more suitable for the torrid summer days. The right color is, obviously, beige – works both at the office and during the weekend. Wear it with a squared-like casual shirt and navy loafers or simply with a pair of cotton sneakers (no socks).

  1. The double-breasted suit

There’s no better way to prove you’re a dandy! The fabric can have squared or very thin stripes, yet the cut have to emphasize your shoulders. And yes, you’re ready to conquer the world.

  1. The grey flannel suit

The modern cuts are more stylish, versatile, and also a bit rebellious. Go for a mid-grey color – nor too dark, nor too light – and wear it with a white shirt and a black knitted tie. A perfect office look. During the weekends, you can wear it with just a T-shirt.

  1. The tuxedo

Forget about the rented tuxedo and buy yourself a quality one that you will wear for years and years to come. Yes, I know, it’s an investment, but remember: you invest in yourself. Bet on black, it’s the safest option. But if you want something different, choose a midnight blue one, with a single button.

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